Local Community Envolvement
Carter Funeral Home is proud to support the development and celebrate the achievements of our students.

Carter Funeral Home proudly supports Coach Spears and the Hornet Football program at Bullock County High School.
We were honored to provide their team meal May 13th, 2019.
In support of the 2019 National CTE Week, (Career Technical Education) the Staff of Carter Funeral Home was honored to support Dr. Lowe and the dedicated staff of the Bullock Career Technical Center.
We salute you for your dedicated support to our students and community.
We provided this great team with a hearty breakfast to begin their day. Thanks for all you do to secure a bright future for our students and community.
"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.'
......George Washington Carver
We salute you for your dedicated support to our students and community.
We provided this great team with a hearty breakfast to begin their day. Thanks for all you do to secure a bright future for our students and community.
"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.'
......George Washington Carver
A very special thanks to all whom contributed to the 2018 Toy Drive! It is your support that makes the holidays brighter for many needy children in Bullock County.
Carter Funeral Home salutes their ministerial associates for their invaluable support.
May God continue to strengthen and Bless their talents.
May God continue to strengthen and Bless their talents.
Appreciation breakfast for Staff of Union Springs Elementary School.
Carter Funeral Home Approaching Second Year of
Accreditation with Better Business Bureau
Accreditation with Better Business Bureau
Carter Funeral Home, located at 302 Carter St., Union Springs, AL 36089, has
successfully met the accreditation standards required by the Better Business Bureau for membership with the organization for almost one year with zero consumer complaints.
Carter Funeral Home values their customers' opinions and wants potential customers to feel comfortable when choosing them. They know the BBB seal will help customers understand who they are and the core values they believe in.
BBB Accreditation means Carter Funeral Home adheres to very high ethical standards. People know they can trust a company that has made the commitment to live up to the BBB Principles for Trust:
Build Trust, Advertise Honestly, Tell the Truth, Be Transparent, Honor Promises, Be Responsive, Embody Integrity, Safeguard Privacy.
Being affiliated with the BBB shows Carter Funeral Home is one of a select group of businesses in our community that not only supports the BBB's services but also subscribes to the idea that ethical business is good business and that you "deliver trust" by treating the public in a fair and honest manner. (March 2018)
successfully met the accreditation standards required by the Better Business Bureau for membership with the organization for almost one year with zero consumer complaints.
Carter Funeral Home values their customers' opinions and wants potential customers to feel comfortable when choosing them. They know the BBB seal will help customers understand who they are and the core values they believe in.
BBB Accreditation means Carter Funeral Home adheres to very high ethical standards. People know they can trust a company that has made the commitment to live up to the BBB Principles for Trust:
Build Trust, Advertise Honestly, Tell the Truth, Be Transparent, Honor Promises, Be Responsive, Embody Integrity, Safeguard Privacy.
Being affiliated with the BBB shows Carter Funeral Home is one of a select group of businesses in our community that not only supports the BBB's services but also subscribes to the idea that ethical business is good business and that you "deliver trust" by treating the public in a fair and honest manner. (March 2018)
Thank You & Happy New Year!
2017 Toy Drive
The Bullock County Department of Human Resources is extremely appreciative of the generosity and compassion displayed by the staff of Carter Funeral Home. Their kindness and support makes the holidays brighter for many needy children in Bullock County. Thanks for your professionalism and continued partnership.
Tracy Larkins, Agency Director
Tracy Larkins, Agency Director
2016 Toy Drive
Carter Funeral Home would like to thank all of our associates and friends that contributed to the holiday happiness in the annual toy drive. Carter Funeral Home is thankful for citizens of Bullock county and the surrounding areas for their trust through the generations. This years event was held at Great Southern Outdoors Plantation.
Carter Funeral Home supports the Tuskegee Area Veterans Administration Hospital by providing Carriage Rides during the Prom Activities at the Community Living Center on the Tuskegee Campus
Carter Funeral Home is honored to support the
Bullock County area schools and surrounding areas.
Bullock County area schools and surrounding areas.
Prom Promise
The Prom Pledge is a life-saving promise made to family, school, friends and community.
Sgt. Fred Smith put together the spectacular event of a re-enactment of a two-car crash by students who were drinking and driving on Prom Night. On Thursday morning, April 21, 2016, the football field at the Bullock County High School was the location of the re-enactment.
Students in grades 11 and 12, seated in the bleachers, witnessed what could happen as a result of drinking and driving on Prom Night. The two wrecked cars were furnished by the Truck Farm and K&N Body Shop.
First responders, policemen of the Union Springs Police department, firemen from the Union Springs Fire Department and the Bullock County Juvenile Probation Officer (Duane Anderson) assisted. A Haynes helicopter landed on the football field to transport an injured student to a hospital. Another student was placed in a Haynes ambulance.
The back door of a car was pried open and a dead student was taken to a Carter Funeral Home hearse. Present in chairs on the football field to show their support for this event were Danny Jackson; Chief of Police; Capt. Ronnie Felder, Assistant Chief; Byron Heaird, Administrative Assistant to the Chief; Rashawn Harris, Circuit Clerk; Saint T. Thomas, Jr., Mayor of Union Springs; and Tiffanie Blakley, Magistrate for the city. After the re-enactment, Mayor Saint T. Thomas, Jr. and Chief Danny Jackson spoke to the students.
The Mayor urged the students to keep the “Prom Promise.” The Chief thanked all who took time out of their busy schedules to perform the re-enactment and noted that it cost a lot to have the helicopter there. He said, “They did this for you because they care about you.”
The Mistress of Ceremonies, Rashawn Harris, asked the students to raise their right hands and repeat the Prom Pledge after her, as follows. “I want to have an absolutely great time at my Prom and remember it forever. I pledge not to use alcohol or other drugs on Prom night because I care about my friends, my family and myself. I pledge to remain free from alcohol and other drugs, never drive under the influence or ride with an impaired driver, and I agree that I will always wear a seat belt. I also pledge not to text and drive.”
The Prom Pledge is a life-saving promise made to family, school, friends and community.
It is a promise to behave responsibly before, during and after the Prom Students want to laugh, listen to great music and dance---and be able to remember it. The Prom Pledge is a reminder that alcohol is a drug.
Article from the Union Springs Herald
Students in grades 11 and 12, seated in the bleachers, witnessed what could happen as a result of drinking and driving on Prom Night. The two wrecked cars were furnished by the Truck Farm and K&N Body Shop.
First responders, policemen of the Union Springs Police department, firemen from the Union Springs Fire Department and the Bullock County Juvenile Probation Officer (Duane Anderson) assisted. A Haynes helicopter landed on the football field to transport an injured student to a hospital. Another student was placed in a Haynes ambulance.
The back door of a car was pried open and a dead student was taken to a Carter Funeral Home hearse. Present in chairs on the football field to show their support for this event were Danny Jackson; Chief of Police; Capt. Ronnie Felder, Assistant Chief; Byron Heaird, Administrative Assistant to the Chief; Rashawn Harris, Circuit Clerk; Saint T. Thomas, Jr., Mayor of Union Springs; and Tiffanie Blakley, Magistrate for the city. After the re-enactment, Mayor Saint T. Thomas, Jr. and Chief Danny Jackson spoke to the students.
The Mayor urged the students to keep the “Prom Promise.” The Chief thanked all who took time out of their busy schedules to perform the re-enactment and noted that it cost a lot to have the helicopter there. He said, “They did this for you because they care about you.”
The Mistress of Ceremonies, Rashawn Harris, asked the students to raise their right hands and repeat the Prom Pledge after her, as follows. “I want to have an absolutely great time at my Prom and remember it forever. I pledge not to use alcohol or other drugs on Prom night because I care about my friends, my family and myself. I pledge to remain free from alcohol and other drugs, never drive under the influence or ride with an impaired driver, and I agree that I will always wear a seat belt. I also pledge not to text and drive.”
The Prom Pledge is a life-saving promise made to family, school, friends and community.
It is a promise to behave responsibly before, during and after the Prom Students want to laugh, listen to great music and dance---and be able to remember it. The Prom Pledge is a reminder that alcohol is a drug.
Article from the Union Springs Herald